Automated pipeline for purification, biophysical and x-ray analysis of biomacromolecular solutions.

Graewert MA, Franke D, Jeffries CM, Blanchet CE, Ruskule D, Kuhle K, Flieger A, Schäfer B, Tartsch B, Meijers R, Svergun DI
Sci Rep 5:10734 (2015 Jun 1)
PMID: 26030009
doi: 10.1038/srep10734
Submitted to SASBDB: 2014 Dec 8
Published in SASBDB:

SASDA97 – PlaB

PlaB experimental SAS data
DAMMIN model
Sample: PlaB tetramer, 220 kDa Legionella pneumophila protein
Buffer: 100 mM Tris 100 mM Nacl, pH: 7.5
Experiment: SAXS data collected at EMBL P12, PETRA III on 2013 Nov 15
RgGuinier 4.0 nm
Dmax 10.5 nm
VolumePorod 270 nm3