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2 hits found for ORF73 tetramer

SASDAQ8 – ...tetramer mixture

ORF73 tetramerORF73 dimer experimental SAS data
NONE model
Sample: ORF73 tetramer tetramer, 63 kDa Human herpesvirus 8 protein
ORF73 dimer dimer, 32 kDa Human herpesvirus 8 protein
Buffer: 25 mM Na/K Phosphate, pH: 7.5
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BM29, ESRF on 2014 Jun 21
KSHV but not MHV-68 LANA induces a strong bend upon binding to terminal repeat viral DNA. Nucleic Acids Res 43(20):10039-54 (2015)
Ponnusamy R, Petoukhov MV, Correia B, Custodio TF, Juillard F, Tan M, Pires de Miranda M, Carrondo MA, Simas JP, Kaye KM, Svergun DI, McVey CE
RgGuinier 2.4 nm
Dmax 9.5 nm
VolumePorod 50 nm3

SASDAS8 – kLANA 1008-1150 -- kLBS1-2 complex 8:2 (partially dissociated)

kLBS1-2 DNAORF73 tetramerORF73 octamerkLBS1-2 DNA two monomers experimental SAS data
NONE model
Sample: kLBS1-2 DNA monomer, 24 kDa unidentified herpesvirus DNA
ORF73 tetramer tetramer, 63 kDa Human herpesvirus 8 protein
ORF73 octamer octamer, 126 kDa Human herpesvirus 8 protein
kLBS1-2 DNA two monomers dimer, 48 kDa unidentified herpesvirus RNA
Buffer: 25 mM Na/K Phosphate, pH: 7.5
Experiment: SAXS data collected at EMBL P12, PETRA III on 2013 Apr 27
KSHV but not MHV-68 LANA induces a strong bend upon binding to terminal repeat viral DNA. Nucleic Acids Res 43(20):10039-54 (2015)
Ponnusamy R, Petoukhov MV, Correia B, Custodio TF, Juillard F, Tan M, Pires de Miranda M, Carrondo MA, Simas JP, Kaye KM, Svergun DI, McVey CE
RgGuinier 4.8 nm
Dmax 16.0 nm
VolumePorod 250 nm3