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5 hits found for Vide

SASDSA5 – dark-state short-linker LOV-activated diguanylate cyclase

Diguanylate cyclase experimental SAS data
Diguanylate cyclase Kratky plot
Sample: Diguanylate cyclase dimer, 67 kDa Aquella oligotrophica protein
Buffer: 10 mM Tris, 500 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BM29, ESRF on 2023 May 4
Illuminating the inner workings of a natural protein switch: Blue-light sensing in LOV-activated diguanylate cyclases Science Advances 9(31) (2023)
Vide U, Kasapović D, Fuchs M, Heimböck M, Totaro M, Zenzmaier E, Winkler A
RgGuinier 3.4 nm
Dmax 13.6 nm
VolumePorod 102 nm3

SASDSB5 – light-state short-linker LOV-activated diguanylate cyclase

Diguanylate cyclase experimental SAS data
Diguanylate cyclase Kratky plot
Sample: Diguanylate cyclase dimer, 67 kDa Aquella oligotrophica protein
Buffer: 10 mM Tris, 500 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BM29, ESRF on 2023 May 4
Illuminating the inner workings of a natural protein switch: Blue-light sensing in LOV-activated diguanylate cyclases Science Advances 9(31) (2023)
Vide U, Kasapović D, Fuchs M, Heimböck M, Totaro M, Zenzmaier E, Winkler A
RgGuinier 3.4 nm
Dmax 15.7 nm
VolumePorod 104 nm3

SASDSC5 – dark-state long-linker LOV-activated diguanylate cyclase

Sensor domain-containing diguanylate cyclase experimental SAS data
GASBOR model
Sample: Sensor domain-containing diguanylate cyclase dimer, 72 kDa Methylotenera sp. protein
Buffer: 10 mM Tris, 50 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BM29, ESRF on 2023 May 4
Illuminating the inner workings of a natural protein switch: Blue-light sensing in LOV-activated diguanylate cyclases Science Advances 9(31) (2023)
Vide U, Kasapović D, Fuchs M, Heimböck M, Totaro M, Zenzmaier E, Winkler A
RgGuinier 2.9 nm
Dmax 11.1 nm
VolumePorod 115 nm3

SASDSD5 – light-state long-linker LOV-activated diguanylate cyclase

Sensor domain-containing diguanylate cyclase experimental SAS data
Sensor domain-containing diguanylate cyclase Kratky plot
Sample: Sensor domain-containing diguanylate cyclase dimer, 72 kDa Methylotenera sp. protein
Buffer: 10 mM Tris, 50 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BM29, ESRF on 2023 May 4
Illuminating the inner workings of a natural protein switch: Blue-light sensing in LOV-activated diguanylate cyclases Science Advances 9(31) (2023)
Vide U, Kasapović D, Fuchs M, Heimböck M, Totaro M, Zenzmaier E, Winkler A
RgGuinier 3.5 nm
Dmax 13.8 nm
VolumePorod 123 nm3

SASDQT8 – Dark-state LOV-activated diguanylate cyclase

Sensor domain-containing diguanylate cyclase experimental SAS data
DAMMIN model
Sample: Sensor domain-containing diguanylate cyclase dimer, 72 kDa Methylotenera sp. protein
Buffer: 10 mM Tris, 50 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 3% glycerol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BM29, ESRF on 2022 Apr 24
LOV-activated diguanylate cyclase
Ursula Vide
RgGuinier 3.4 nm
Dmax 15.0 nm
VolumePorod 128 nm3