Magnetic field effects on the structure and molecular behavior of pigeon iron–sulfur protein

Arai S, Shimizu R, Adachi M, Hirai M
Protein Science 31(6) (2022 May 09)

doi: 10.1002/pro.4313
Submitted to SASBDB: 2021 Jul 5
Published in SASBDB:

SASDLD8 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (Elution No.270)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Feb 25
RgGuinier 2.2 nm

SASDLE8 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (Elution No.280)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Feb 25
RgGuinier 2.2 nm

SASDLF8 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (Elution No.290)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Feb 25
RgGuinier 2.1 nm

SASDLG8 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (Elution No.300)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Feb 25
RgGuinier 2.0 nm

SASDLH8 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (Elution No.310)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Feb 25
RgGuinier 1.9 nm

SASDLJ8 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (Elution No.320)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Feb 25
RgGuinier 2.0 nm

SASDLK8 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (Elution No.330)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Feb 25
RgGuinier 2.0 nm

SASDL58 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon before applying the external magnetic field (0 min)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial Kratky plot
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Nov 30
RgGuinier 4.7 nm
Dmax 15.8 nm

SASDL68 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (retention time at the magnet position No.4 : 5 min)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial Kratky plot
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Nov 30
RgGuinier 5.0 nm
Dmax 16.2 nm

SASDL78 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (retention time at the magnet position No.4 : 10 min)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial Kratky plot
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Nov 30
RgGuinier 4.9 nm
Dmax 16.5 nm

SASDL88 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (retention time at the magnet position No.4 : 30 min)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial Kratky plot
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Nov 30
RgGuinier 5.1 nm
Dmax 17.2 nm

SASDL98 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (retention time at the magnet position No.4 : 60 min)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial Kratky plot
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Nov 30
RgGuinier 5.5 nm
Dmax 19.1 nm

SASDLA8 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (retention time at the magnet position No.5 : 5 min)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial Kratky plot
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Nov 30
RgGuinier 5.7 nm
Dmax 18.9 nm

SASDLL8 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (retention time at the magnet position No.5 : 10 min)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial Kratky plot
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Nov 30
RgGuinier 5.7 nm
Dmax 18.9 nm

SASDLB8 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (retention time at the magnet position No.5 : 30 min)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial Kratky plot
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Nov 30
RgGuinier 5.4 nm
Dmax 19.0 nm

SASDLC8 – The Fe–S cluster assembly 1 homolog of pigeon (retention time at the magnet position No.5 : 60 min)

Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial experimental SAS data
Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial Kratky plot
Sample: Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial, 15 kDa Columba livia protein
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.15 M NaCl, 10 mM 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol, pH: 8
Experiment: SAXS data collected at BL-10C, Photon Factory (PF), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on 2020 Nov 30
RgGuinier 5.7 nm
Dmax 21.2 nm